MediaRoots2013JanPt1 by Media Roots
MEDIA ROOTS – Following a critical broadcast on ‘Breaking the Set’ that examined the need for ‘conspiracy theory’ culture to claim everything is an inside job, Abby and Robbie discuss in much more detail the psychological phenomenon of diluting and poisoning the well of legitimate anti US government theory.
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This Media Roots podcast is the product of many long hours of hard work and love. If you want to encourage our voice, please consider supporting us as we continue to speak from outside party lines. If you donate, we want to thank you with your choice of art from as well as music from Much of the music you hear on our podcasts comes from Robbie’s imprint Record Label Records, and Abby’s art reflects the passion and perspective that lead her to create Media
$40 donation: One 8×10 art print and one RLR release (You choose! Tell us in the Paypal notes.)
$80 donation: Two 8×10 art prints and two RLR releases (You choose!)
$150 donation: Four 8×10 art prints and four RLR releases (You choose!)
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Thanks so much for your support!
Listen to all previous episodes of Media Roots Radio here.
Once again, another great show. Can’t wait for an RSS feed.
I’m glad you guys are still doing the radio show. This is a fun episode. Thanx for just going for it. Tin foil won’t save anyone.
Ditto 13 minutes – This is where you got turned off. You don’t call for reason and truth by parading around some cartoon images of John Birch, racist (which there probably isn’t honestly that great of a link between these two groups anyhow) gun owners with foil hats and Confederate flags and presenting that cartoon as a standard gun-owner and then drawing sweeping conclusions from that.
So the John Birchers are emotional, paranoid, and fast and loose with facts. Racists are unfair because they broad-stroke label whole groups based on ignorant per-conceptions. Now let me broad-stroke paint the majority of gun owners or Alex Jones listeners based on my preconceptions….
6:00 – Crazy, paranoid, racist gun-owners… No evidence, cartoon image of a group based on pre-formed paradigm presented as fact with no consideration. This is incredibly hypocritical in a conversation about people’s “paranoia” and “perceptions” clouding their reality!
You have a lovely mind Abby – always great to hear you explain your points.