MEDIA ROOTS – On this episode of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin talk about the LAPD’s manhunt against Chris Dorner, the subsequent cover-up of his death and police thuggery; how 9/11 and Ron Paul coalesced the divide between libertarians and leftists and caused people to rally behind core issues, the corporate co-option and transmogrification of the Ron Paul movement and the current divide growing between the two factions of anti-establishment political ideologies.
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I found this welcomed site while gathering some links for a rant to email to the hosts of a pretty fluff-centered, though supposedly growing-in-popularity morning talk show– who are ostensibly libertarian. (
I decided to post the rant to pastebin, to share with the likes of yourselves:
Note that Alex Jones (a more strident libertarian, and not so much focused on fluff/comedy.. but in a ghastly sell-out supported Romney during the campaign) has also been appearing on more terrestrial stations, i.e. KWSX and KMJ (hit trusty if need be).. my point being, his strong defense of the Bill of Rights is worth defending, as the all-out assault on the Constitution seems to love to make a laughing stock out of Jones in particular. It’s a little hard to listen through some of his points where he’s totally off-base, such as climate change and left/right struggles, but I’m hoping maybe some of us can tough it out and perhaps call in with super-directed points of fact where he might reconsider his flawed concepts. As podcaste:
The rant…38:50-39:20…listened to 4 times. As you described the differences in views between the Lazy Shower Lacking Student Loan Stiffing Anarchist OWS Bolsheviks and the KKK Jr. Paulbot Johnny Reb Heston Dick Sucking Gun Huggers, I feel the “Give a Fuck” was perfectly timed.
Correct 100%
The original tea party has been hijacked by $$ and FOX and the GOP. And it’s dangerous because it’s turning people legit anger into a movement that just feeds the Republican party. The GOP is using it for themselves, and by trying to “turn the GOP libertarian” they are giving themselves up. The foreign policy/American empire thing was my biggest appeal and sadly Rand Paul will not change course there at all.
Just glad that there are people who LOOK and THINK about things and not just hear “libertarian” and think its about corporate greed and what not.
Interesting stuff! I agree with a lot of what you say. I’m a liberal/libertarian btw. As you said, I’m the guy who likes Dennis Kucinich who supports Ron Paul and Gary Johnson. It’s not about “being” something but supporting the ideals, and sadly neither party and most leaders will end our corporatist state, the drug war, our bad foreign policy, or enforce civil liberties.
As you said, the mainstream GOP has taken over. I’ve been saying for years they all are using libertarian points but with zero intent, and the shame is it really CAN be a unifying force.
I think it’s important not to conflate climate change with efficient use of natural resources. The first order effect of climate change would have to be the Sun’s energy output. The other factor would be the kinematics of the Earth about the Sun. Neither of these man has control over.
Using resources responsibly is something we should just do. All other species seem to do this naturally. It’s interesting to think about when man went from working with Nature to trying to dominate her. It may also be related to the political dogma you guys were discussing.