Rick Santorum Denies his Gay Rhetoric “Hateful’

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MEDIA ROOTS One of the greatest myths perpetuated by anti-gay politicians is that children raised by a hetero-normative male/female unit turn out better than ones raised by gay parents. Statistics and facts have defeated this myth countless times–but regardless of the data–members of the religious right continue to spread this disinformation.

While Abby was working with Luke Rudkowski from WeAreChange, she happened to catch up with Rick Santorum in a DC hotel lobby. But when WeAreChange posted the video on its YouTube channel, the reaction from the organization’s base was mostly negative, ranging from people calling it a ‘distraction’ or ‘wedge issue’ to agreeing with Santorum’s viewpoint on homosexuality.

The video’s reaction revealed how a large percentage of people who associate themselves with the ‘liberty’ movement let their bigoted views trump respecting LGBT civil rights in this country. To illustrate this hypocrisy, check out the video’s top rated YouTube comments:

“Oh wow more dislikes than likes on a WeAreChange video! Probably because your asking Rick Santorum an irrelevant question on gay marriage. Go back to chasing down the power brokers of the NWO, and I wont dislike your video again.”

“Gay marriage is a NWO strategy to destroy morality and any real human values (like honor and dignity) and you are for it????”

While unfortunate that a movement focusing on the erosion of civil liberties would react so poorly to such a confrontation, other media outlets like Raw Story recognized the importance of slamming Santorum with such a question.

Robbie Martin for Media Roots


Abby Martin confronts Rick Santorum


RAW STORY The socially conservative politician — who once said he was willing to die to prevent same sex marriages — was recently confronted about his views by Abby Martin of Media Roots.

“You said during your campaign that homosexual parents — that kids don’t thrive under homosexual parents, but actually studies have shown that kids thrive equally under homosexual parents as they do straight parents,” she asked Santorum. “Do you think this hateful rhetoric, you know, you’re fighting a losing battle here — as homosexuality is more accepted by the day.”

“I don’t think it’s hateful rhetoric,” Santorum answered. “I think having public policy discussions is not hateful rhetoric.”

“But it’s incorrect,” Martin interrupted.

“I think characterizing it as such is a typical tactic that those who do not want to have a real discussion about the issues,” Santorum said.

Read more and the comment discussion at Raw Story


One thought on “Rick Santorum Denies his Gay Rhetoric “Hateful’

  1. Rick Santorum is a confused person. He also claims to be “pro-life” but at the same time he’s a war mongerer. That in itself makes him guilty of hypocrisy and someone I would never trust to hold any type of powerful position whether in office or elsewhere.

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