Buchanan and Judge Napolitano were fired recently from their respective
networks for what is thought to be their outspoken dissent from the U.S.-Israeli
lobby. But whilst the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the C.I.A.’s National
Intelligence Estimate, and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta all agree that
there is no evidence that Iran has, nor is making, nuclear weaponry, Obama continues to enforce questionable sanctions and command a military that is escalating the threat of war.
The fact that Western media aren’t raising questions about the dangerous risks of Russian and Chinese opposition to U.S. foreign policy, specifically with regard to Syria and Iran, shows the gaping lack of independent mass media in the U.S. reaching enough minds to countervail corporate/establishment propaganda. This perpetual deception is evident even when lies are corrected for past crimes enabled by the perpetual government efforts of deceiving the public.
In D.C., they say, perception is reality. According to Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the current U.S. government may now be the most corrupt in human history. It doesn’t represent its citizenry nor pre-supposed values of truth, justice, mercy, and so forth. It does represent, however, the few special interests of the ruling-class.
Oskar Mosquito
INSTITUTE FOR POLITICAL ECONOMY — President Obama and members of Congress along with Tel Aviv continue to assert that Iran is making a nuclear weapon despite public contradiction by the US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and the CIA’s National Intelligence Estimate. According to news reports, Pentagon chief Leon Panetta told members of the House of Representatives on February 16 that “Tehran has not made a decision to proceed with developing a nuclear weapon.” However, in Washington facts don’t count. Only the material interests of powerful interest groups matter.
At the moment the American “Ministry of Truth” is splitting its time between lying about Iran and lying about Syria. Recently, there were some explosions in faraway Thailand, and the explosions were blamed on Iran. Last October, the FBI announced that the bureau had uncovered an Iranian plot to pay a used car salesman to hire a Mexican drug gang to kill the Saudi Ambassador to the US. The White House idiot professed to believe the unbelievable plot and declared that he had “strong evidence,” but no evidence was ever released. The purpose for announcing the non-existent plot was to justify Obama’s sanctions, which amount to an embargo—an act of war—against Iran for developing nuclear energy.
As a signatory to the non-proliferation treaty, Iran has the right to develop nuclear energy. IAEA inspectors are permanently in Iran and report no diversion of nuclear material to a weapons program.
Read more about Silencing the Critics (published last week by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts).
Photo by Flickr user AZRainman
Pat Buchanan, Judge Napolitano, an Glenn Beck were not let go because they were a threat to the establishment. The libertarian experiment was simply over for Fox News and MSNBC. If Napolitano was such a ‘threat’ why did he have guests on like Sarah Palin to soft ball and ask no real questions?