Abby and Robbie Martin talk to Anoa Changa, a progressive Black activist, attorney and host of “The Way with Anoa”, about the NPR hit piece insinuating she is a Russian stooge, simply because she promoted her views on socialist radio shows hosted by Sputnik. They discuss Bernie Sanders, the Russiagate hysteria leading to the demonization of the left, and why … Read More
Bernie sanders
Abby Martin’s Empire Files Election Guide

If you’re in need of information to help make your decision for election day, or if you just need a detox from the corporate media circus, here is a list of all election coverage on The Empire Files. Help combat the US Empire’s election propaganda with a dose of reality with Abby Martin. – Interview with socialist presidential candidate Gloria La Riva … Read More
Abby Martin Exposes Hillary Chair John Podesta

With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known about Podesta himself. While he is treated as just a well-meaning Clinton supporter who has had his privacy unjustly exposed, he is actually one of the most powerful people in Washington, who has operating mostly behind-the-scenes. He’s the chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and was … Read More
Monsanto, America’s Monster

Last month, the University of San Francisco made an alarming discovery, that 93% of Americans tested had traces of a chemical called glyphosate in their urine. Last year, the World Health Organization deemed glyphosate a “possible carcinogen”. Glyphosate is the main ingredient in biotech giant Monsanto’s flagship product: Roundup, an herbicide sprayed all over almost every acre of food grown. Not only … Read More
Media Roots Radio – 2016 Presidential Election Insanity

Robbie and Abby Martin talk about the Syria ceasefire, Black Lives Matter and the 2016 presidential election insanity: GOP unraveling over Trump, the Clinton campaign’s dirty tricks, Hillary’s endorsement by neocon warmongers and the reality of Bernie Sanders’ domestic/foreign policy on the latest Media Roots Radio. ** Robbie follows up with a solo Media Roots Radio podcast about Super Tuesday: neocon … Read More