In July, Abby Martin was a guest on Christopher Ryan’s podcast Tangentially Speaking. “Abby Martin speaks truth to power with a snarl. She is an American journalist who asks questions and challenges assumptions in a way very few journalists ever dare. You can see her show, The Empire Files on TeleSur and YouTube.” “Tangentially Speaking is dedicated to the idea that good … Read More
Propaganda and the Engineering of Consent for Empire

It’s been estimated that an average American living in cities sees up to 4,000 ads a day. This toxic culture of mindless consumption exploits our innermost insecurities and desire to meet impossible standards. The corporate PR machine is enormously successful due to model created by a man named Edward Bernays nearly a century ago. The nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays … Read More
Marxism 101: How Capitalism is Killing Itself with Dr. Richard Wolff

In a country that declared the end of socialism, a major poll released in January 2016 revealed something unexpected. 43% of people under 30 in the US view socialism favorably compared to only 32% who view capitalism favorably. This shows that despite a concerted effort to smother the ideas of a man who died 133 years ago, the analysis put … Read More
Noam Chomsky & Abby Martin: The Empire’s Election Extravaganza

World renowned linguist and philosopher, Noam Chomsky, joins Abby Martin to discuss the so-called War on Terror, the warped political spectrum in the United States, and how power functions in the Empire. Chomsky argues that both the Democratic and Republican party have shifted to the right, with Republicans going “off the spectrum”, dedicating themselves to the interests of the extremely … Read More
Panopticon Fatigue – Life, Sex and Death under the East German Stasi

[This article originally appears in issue #14 of White Fungus magazine, reprinted with publisher’s permission. Subscribe to White Fungus here] For five decades, the Stasi managed to painstakingly craft what was at the time the world’s most sophisticated surveillance state. The secret police of the German Democratic Republic’s Ministerium für Staatssicherheit (shorthand: Stasi) induced an era of fear among the East … Read More