DIGITAL JOURNAL– Author of “A Brief History of Time” Stephen
Hawking is wrong when it comes to contact with aliens, according to former
Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer who believes extraterrestrials have
contributed to human technological advancements.
Digital Journal reported last week that Professor Stephen Hawking stated the thought of alien life as “perfectly rational” to him but urged caution seeking out extraterrestrials for fear that they might raid us for our resources, “If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.”
According to CNET News, Hawking stated this week that time travel is possible and that one day we will have spaceships that are so fast that 650 million miles per hour would be similar to one year on planet Earth.
Eventually, says Hawking, Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity will one day be obsolete. In theory, humans will be able to “colonize the future” and maybe even repopulate the Earth if a disaster were to occur on the planet and cause the human species to die off, reports the Times Online.
“Time travel was once considered scientific heresy and I used to avoid talking about it for fear of being labelled a crank, but these days I’m not so cautious,” said Hawking.
Continue reading about Canadian Politician Defends Aliens, Says Stephen Hawking is Wrong.
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