GUARDIAN– At just after 10 o’clock on Friday morning Maha al-Qahtani swapped
places with her husband, Mohammed, and took the wheel of the family car.
For the next 50 minutes, she drove through the Saudi capital, along the six-lane King Fahd Road, through Cairo Square, down the upmarket Olaya Street with its shopping malls, Starbucks, Apple store and boutiques.
“No one tried to stop us. No one even looked,” the 39-year-old civil servant said. “We drove past police cars but had no trouble.”
In fact, the biggest problem for Qahtani was her husband sitting next to her in the family Hummer. “He kept telling me to slow down or speed up. He was very fussy,” she said.
This is Saudi Arabia, the only country in the world that bans women from driving motor vehicles.
Qahtani was part of a small but striking movement of women determined to do something about it.
The exact number of Saudi women who protested was unclear. It was certainly not a mass movement.
Continue reading full article on Saudi Women Protest Driving Ban.
© 2011 Guardian
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