Robbie and Abby Martin talk about the absurd mainstream media coverage of the Russian elections and Putin taking a victory of nearly 80% of the vote, the murky narrative of the Novichok spy poisoning and Trump’s massive weapons deal with Saudi Arabia on Media Roots Radio. Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast please consider donating to Media Roots Radio … Read More
saudi arabia
Trump’s Brutal Foreign Policy & Military Mindset

Abby and Robbie Martin talk about the significance of Trump’s military budget increase of $54 billion, his ramping up of drone strikes and special ops, putting boots on the ground in Iraq and Syria and the danger of new wars in North Korea and Iran on Media Roots Radio. This podcast is the product of many long hours of hard … Read More
Abby Martin Exposes Hillary Chair John Podesta

With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known about Podesta himself. While he is treated as just a well-meaning Clinton supporter who has had his privacy unjustly exposed, he is actually one of the most powerful people in Washington, who has operating mostly behind-the-scenes. He’s the chair of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and was … Read More
Unraveling the Syria War Chessboard with Vijay Prashad

When the Arab Spring started in 2011, the Empire decided which revolutions were “good” and which were “bad”, pouring arms and money into police state monarchies to crush legitimate protests, from Egypt to Bahrain.But some movements were lauded by US politicians as great causes for freedom–conveniently in countries whose governments they had long hoped to overthrow–and rushed to their aid.In … Read More
Saudi Arabia’s Hidden Revolution & Crushing of Resistance

Saudi Arabia, one of the region’s most sectarian and intensely brutal regimes, happens to be one of the United State’s greatest allies. The history hidden behind the Saudi kingdom’s steel curtain reveals the existence of a world power that is both restrictive and unflinching in its violence, and thanks to help from the UK, the notorious human rights abuser now heads the United Nations … Read More