Corporate Media, Imperialism, People’s Power On May 6, 2018, the excellent grassroots media project acTVism Munich organized an event with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein and Abby Martin called “Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0″ in Munich, Germany. In an interview with organizer Zain Raza, Abby explains her trajectory as an anti-war activist turned professional journalist for RT America, the inverted reality in … Read More
latin america
Human Rights Hypocrisy – Colombia vs. Venezuela

Colombia and Venezuela: two neighboring countries that receive extremely different treatment by the US Empire and mainstream media. While Colombia is home to horrific human rights abuses ranging from the displacement of 6.8 million people to thousand of killings carried out by state agents, it remains a top recipient of US military aid and enjoys uncritical press coverage in Western media–all … Read More
President Correa on Fighting Poverty & Foreign Domination in Ecuador

After 10 years and three terms, Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa’s time in office has ended. Under his administration Ecuador made far-reaching economic and social gains, despite having inherited a country on the brink of collapse. In one of his last interviews before leaving office, Abby Martin talks to him about his legacy, his critics, and the struggle ahead for Ecuador … Read More
Abby Martin Interviews President Rafael Correa on Empire & the Environment

After touring Chevron’s oil pollution in the Ecuadorean Amazon, Abby Martin sits down for an exclusive interview with Ecuador’s president, Rafael Correa, about the legal battle against the corporation and push to decolonize the country from Western powers. They discuss Ecuador’s new constitution that grants legal rights to nature for the first time in history, the country’s proposed ban against individuals using tax havens … Read More
The US School That Trains Dictators & Death Squads

Dubbed ‘The School of Dictators’ by human rights activists, the US Army School of the Americas, now known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, has produced some of the world’s most notorious torturers, drug traffickers and war criminals. The spectre of their crimes still haunts much of Latin America—from Argentina to El Salvador. In El Salvador, the human … Read More