Scott Horton, of The Scott Horton Show and managing direction of The Libertarian Institute, discusses his new book Fool’s Errand: Time to End the War in Afghanistan. Donate to Media Roots Radio on Patreon. @ScottHortonShow | @FluorescentGrey
Listen to “US News Propaganda Silences Dissenters; ‘MOAB’ used in Afghanistan” on Spreaker. “By Any Means Necessary” host Eugene Puryear is joined by Abby Martin, journalist and host of The Empire Files, a weekly investigative news program on teleSUR to talk about the shocking ways in which mainstream media outlets have created a witch hunt against alternative news outlets that … Read More
US Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, a habitual peddler of fantastical, orientalist lies, is hailed as a war hero by the most cowardly members of society—from war profiteers to robotic nationalists. American Sniper reinforces this myth with two hours of pro-war agitprop. This grotesque propaganda works to further US exceptionalism and helps lift the morale of Americans who are desperate for content … Read More
According to latest numbers, 60 million people have been displaced due to violence and inhumane poverty. In recent months, a major humanitarian catastrophe has made its way into the news—tens of millions, the largest ever recorded by the United Nations, have been forced to take part in a life-threatening journey across land and sea. While members of the establishment media have … Read More
World renowned linguist and philosopher, Noam Chomsky, joins Abby Martin to discuss the so-called War on Terror, the warped political spectrum in the United States, and how power functions in the Empire. Chomsky argues that both the Democratic and Republican party have shifted to the right, with Republicans going “off the spectrum”, dedicating themselves to the interests of the extremely … Read More