MEDIA ROOTS – Many supporters of President Obama claim that he has had several accomplishments with US environmental policy. However, in stark contrast to these claims, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform released a video earlier this month highlighting the Obama’s administration current interpretations of “green jobs.” The video shows committee chairman Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) and acting commissioner of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, John Galvin, discussing the loose interpretations of what can be considered a “green job.”
At the hearing, Commissioner Galvin confirmed the following forms of employment as green jobs:
*A gasoline attendant pumping gas for school buses
*Used record sales clerk
*Trash collectors
*Oil lobbyists when engaged in advocacy related to environmental issues
President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus program – indeed the largest wealth transfer in human history – was purported to have created 2.7 million green jobs, despite the fact that during his election campaign he promised to create 5 million new green jobs that would “pay well and can’t be outsourced.” In actuality, 79% of renewable energy grants went overseas with domestic renewable jobs now numbering a paltry 140,000.
Oskar Mosco
Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) discussing “green jobs” with Commissioner John Galvin, US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Photo provided by Flickr user MCS@flickr