Israeli Army Veteran Gives Explosive Tell-All: “I Was the Terrorist”


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In a rare, candid conversation, Abby Martin interviews a former Israeli Army combat soldier who served as an occupier in Palestine’s Hebron City. Eran Efrati spent years as a sergeant and combat soldier in the Israeli military, but has since become an outspoken critic of the occupation of Palestine and Israeli apartheid. Efrati gives explosive testimony on the reality of … Read More

Media Distorts Truth About Israel’s Campaign of Brutality Against Gaza


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Today Israel carried out aerial strikes in Gaza targeting a mosque it claims was hosting rockets, a disabled care center and a geriatric urgent care hospital, where international volunteers have since rushed to shield patients. In the deadliest strike yet, the city’s police headquarters and the home of Gaza’s police chief was bombed, killing 18 members of his family. Israel has … Read More

Celebrations of Imperialist War Abound


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Summer is here and the stench of war is all around. Or, as Bob Marley put it, ‘everywhere is war’. Start with the commemorations over a five-week span of Memorial Day, Flag Day and Independence Day, all presented varyingly as celebrations of our war dead, symbols of our greatness, the freedoms we love so dearly and seek to export to … Read More

Glenn Greenwald’s Chutzpah


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Glenn Greenwald was asked all-too-familiar stock questions on mainstream programs like Meet the Press and Charlie Rose during his book tour for No Place to Hide. Although he was put on the defense in almost every segment, Greenwald held firm and consistent when combating the adversarial tone of US establishment journalists. Over the course of his high profile interviews, many may have missed … Read More

Media Roots Radio – Corporate Mercenaries and Historical Revisionism


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On this edition of Media Roots Radio, Abby and Robbie Martin catch up on current events and dissect the corporatocracy, its control over information and policy, espionage and infiltration of global activism, private mercenaries and corporations’ role in war profiteering over the decades and the historical revisionism being done by the political and media establishment. They also discuss the bombshell … Read More