Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the flimsy evidence pointing to Russia influencing the election, including the stories insinuating Kremlin direction inside Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock and how the U.S. government is hyping up neo McCarthyism to censor the Internet and undermine leftist activism. Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed this podcast please consider donating to Media Roots Radio on … Read More
fake news
9/11 Anniversary, Hillary Clinton’s Hubris, Russia Today Foreign Agent

Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the post-9/11 world, in which the flat earth and pizzagate theories are more mainstream than questioning the event that was used to justify a police state and endless war. They discuss the implications of the US government’s attempt to register Russia Today and its employees as “foreign agents,” the censorship of independent media by Facebook, Google … Read More
Who Newsies the Newsmen? A Sober Look At “Fake News”

In the aftermath of President-Elect Trump’s surprise victory over establishment power’s chosen horse, Hillary Clinton, liberal punditry has compiled an impressive list of culprits responsible for this distortion in the fabric of American history. Everyone from Vladimir Putin to BernieBros to Jill Stein are somehow responsible for obstructing the Pantsuit Khaleesi’s path to the Oval Office; faultless in her inability … Read More
Paul Jay and Abby Martin on Trump’s Cabinet, Election Fraud & Fake News Hysteria

Paul Jay and Abby Martin discuss Trump’s cabinet appointments, the Green Party effort to recount the vote, and who’s really producing the fake news. Abby Martin & Paul Jay on Trump’s Appointees & “Fake News” ** PAUL JAY: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Paul Jay. Well, Thanksgiving is over, and for those of you who may have thought … Read More