It’s been estimated that an average American living in cities sees up to 4,000 ads a day. This toxic culture of mindless consumption exploits our innermost insecurities and desire to meet impossible standards. The corporate PR machine is enormously successful due to model created by a man named Edward Bernays nearly a century ago. The nephew of Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernays … Read More
empire files
Used & Betrayed – 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats
On Memorial Day, politicians will speak at ceremonies all over the country and repeat their favorite mantra: “Support the troops.” This pledge is hammered into the American psyche at every turn. But there’s a hidden, dark history that shows that the politicians are in fact no friend to service members–but their greatest enemy. An easy way to prove this is … Read More
Hillary Clinton’s Business of Corporate Shilling & War Making
As the circus of the 2016 presidential election grinds on, Hillary Clinton has posited herself as the candidate of the people. But not many “candidates of the people” have vacation homes in the Hamptons that cost $200,000 per month, or hang out with the world’s billionaires. It’s hard to know who she is really–while once being a proponent of Donald Trump … Read More
How the World Runs on Looting the Congo
Ten years ago, the US Empire honed its sights more intently on a profitable region of the world–the continent it once ravaged as a captain of the slave trade. A new massive military command, AFRICOM was born. Its footprint includes an array of drone bases, camps and compounds, carrying out the American tradition of training and arming proxy militaries responsible … Read More
Pres. Candidate Dr. Jill Stein & Abby Martin – Symptoms of a Sick Society
Although the US Empire deems itself the greatest democracy on earth, its election system is rigged so people are given a choice between only two parties, the Democrats and the Republicans. Despite their differences, both are united around the interests of Wall Street and militarism, working to maintain a system that churns out disaster at home and abroad. Restrictive ballot access, … Read More