BofA Dumps $75 Trillion In Derivatives on U.S. Taxpayers


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MEDIA ROOTS— Recently, economic journalist Doug Henwood was interviewed on Pacifica Radio’s “Against the Grain” to dispel various myths he and his interviewer tied to the Occupy Wall Street Movement.  One of which was about the Federal Reserve being the source of all evil. The Federal Reserve System is the private U.S. central bank which controls our monetary policy.  And … Read More

Obama Still Flush with Cash from Financial Sector


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MEDIA ROOTS— Rhetoric aside, Obama continues to be the darling of Wall Street. In 2008, President Obama racked up $750 million dollars for his Presidential campaign, and is projected to take in roughly $1 billion dollars for 2012. Although the President appears to commiserate with the Occupy Wall Street movement and its dissatisfaction of Wall Street’s influence over politics, Obama … Read More

Wall Street Donated $41 Million to Supercommittee


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MEDIA ROOTS- It’s not very comforting to know that Wall Street lobbyists have been paying off members of the very committee in charge of finding $1.5 trillion worth of deficit measures. Can’t count much on “shared sacrifice” from the banks with bribery like this taking place on the hill. Abby *** TRUTHOUT– Wall Street has given $41 million in campaign contributions … Read More

Prisons Lobby Millions to Keep People in Jail


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THINK PROGRESS– Yesterday, the Justice Policy Institute (JPI) released a report chronicling the political strategies of private prison companies “working to make money through harsh policies and longer sentences.” The report’s authors note that while the total number of people in prison increased less than 16 percent, the number of people held in private federal and state facilities increased by … Read More

Ralph Nader: Why Obama Will Get Second Term


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BLOOMBERG– The stars are aligned for Barack Obama’s re-election in November 2012. He won’t join Jimmy Carter to be the second Democrat in 120 years to lose a second term. Five things are playing in Obama’s favor. First, the Republicans — driven by their most conservative members in Congress — will face a primary with many candidates who will advance … Read More