Robbie Martin speaks to Kelly Jones, the ex-wife of Alex Jones, about her ongoing custody battle and experience being under continual bombardment of vexatious litigation on behalf of her ex-husband. Kelly has already been granted primary custody by a Texas court, yet the judge has left her children with Alex. They also speak at length about how Infowars transformed over … Read More
alex jones
Media Roots Radio: Cambridge Analytica Private Mercenaries, Blue Planet & Jones/Stone/Neocon Alliance
Abby and Robbie Martin give tribute to renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, talk about Cambridge Analytica using Facebook data to target voters, and how the company acts as a shadowy private intelligence firm that carries out psyops and regime change ops around the world at the behest of Robert Mercer and other oligarchs. Abby explains the most amazing underwater discoveries in … Read More
Who Newsies the Newsmen? A Sober Look At “Fake News”

In the aftermath of President-Elect Trump’s surprise victory over establishment power’s chosen horse, Hillary Clinton, liberal punditry has compiled an impressive list of culprits responsible for this distortion in the fabric of American history. Everyone from Vladimir Putin to BernieBros to Jill Stein are somehow responsible for obstructing the Pantsuit Khaleesi’s path to the Oval Office; faultless in her inability … Read More