Empire Files: US Retreats From Afghanistan: Truth Behind The Empire’s Defeat


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Abby Martin explores what’s missing from coverage of Biden’s announcement of the Afghanistan withdrawal.  [More Afghanistan content below] Keep Empire Files Independent and Ad-Free + Get Exclusive Bonus Content WATCH our 2 new Afghanistan documentaries: 1. Afghanistan War Exposed: An Imperial Conspiracy 2. US Marine Eyewitness – Afghanistan’s Killing Fields LISTEN to the Empire Files Podcast on Afghanistan.

Empire Files: A Guide to US Empire in Africa: Neocolonial Order & AFRICOM


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Abby Martin speaks to Eugene Puryear to discuss the big picture of US imperialism in Africa: From the Berlin Conference to the subversion of liberation movements to neocolonial puppets and the current sprawl of AFRICOM “counterterrorism.” [EXTENDED INTERVIEW + BONUS CONTENT ONLY ON PATREON] Find more of Eugene Puryear’s work at BreakThrough News.

Empire Update: US Kisses Saudi Crown + Taliban’s Tet Offensive


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Abby Martin’s Empire Update wraps up the last week in US imperialism: Biden breaks major campaign promise to punish Saudi Arabia for Khashoggi murder; US & France extend war in Africa; Bolivia and Venezuela defy US Empire; major bloodshed on the horizon in Afghanistan. Get EXCLUSIVE Empire Files content, and keep us independent & ad-free

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