From podcast Loud & Clear with Brian Becker: “As a result of US sanctions against Venezuela, ‘The Empire Files’ has been forced to completely shut down operations,” read an ominous statement from the hit TV documentary series hosted by journalist Abby Martin on Wednesday. Martin used “The Empire Files” to travel the world and report on major hotspots of political conflict, breaking through mainstream … Read More
Charlottesville, Trump’s Brownshirts & the “Alt Left”

Abby and Robbie Martin talk about the Unite the Right white nationalist rally and murder of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, the argument over confederate monuments, Trump’s brownshirt army and conservative apologists for neo-Nazis, and the invention and weaponization of the term “alt left” on Media Roots Radio. Donate to Media Roots Radio on Patreon. @AbbyMartin | @FluorescentGrey
Abby Martin Attacks DNI Report, Defends RT

The long awaited intelligence report on Russian ‘interference’ in the 2016 presidential election contains a lengthy and detailed attack on RT’s programming as evidence of a Kremlin plot to subvert U.S. democracy. The DNI report specifically cited Breaking the Set, a popular RT America show hosted by Abby Martin, as promoting “radical discontent.” Martin gives an impassioned response to former BTS producer, … Read More
Washington, DC: The Emperor Wears No Clothes

Those that have been paying attention to the war hawks in DC know about the Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI), a neocon think tank that rose out of the ashes of infamous Project for a New American Century (PNAC). When Abby was placed in the crosshairs of war mongers last year during the Ukraine incursion, Media Roots was repelled by the … Read More
Connecting the War at Home and Abroad with Eugene Puryear

Lawmakers pushing through the next bloated war budget have received millions in campaign contributions from defense contractors, according to Open Secrets. While the military industrial complex churns unabated and bombs drop across the Middle East in our names, citizens in America continue to be victimized by economic warfare and terrorized by militarized police forces. On this episode of Media Roots Radio, … Read More