MEDIA ROOTS — On January 28th, 2012, Occupy Oakland moved to take a vacant building to use as a social centre and a new place to continue organising. This is the story of what really happened that day as told by the participants. The video features raw footage of police brutality and interviews with Boots Riley, David Graeber, Maria Lewis, … Read More
MR Transcript: Copwatch on OO Police Crackdowns
MEDIA ROOTS — As U.S. imperialism abroad goes unchecked, Federalised police platoons are cracking down on political dissent at home. The militarization of local police consists of hundreds of cops in riot gear from multiple forces, aerial support for coordinated assaults, plans for launching surveillance drones against dissenting demonstrators, police brutality, unwarranted methods of crowd control, kettles and mass arrests. … Read More
Occupy Oakland Still Facing Police Brutality
MEDIA ROOTS — In apparent small-scale warfare waged by Oakland police against First Amendment activity, hundreds of people were kettled, brutalised with batons, tear gas, flash-bang grenades, and arrested during Occupy Oakland (OO) demonstrations on Saturday, January 28, 2012, in the first major action by OO since the Oakland Port shutdown. Participants have charged they weren’t given clear dispersal orders … Read More
Video Game Warfare, Covert War in Iran, SOPA & Fair Use
Media Roots Radio – Video Game Warfare, Iran Covert War, SOPA & Fair Use by Media Roots MEDIA ROOTS – Abby and Robbie discuss the reality of war: the pre-propaganda that has manufactured consent for the illegal occupations, video game warfare and cognitive dissonance in combat, the Marine urination scandal; Martin Luther King Jr. and historical revisionism minimizing how anti-imperialism … Read More
Police State Brutality: The Story of Kenneth Harding
MEDIA ROOTS — You’ve likely heard of Scott Olsen, the Iraq War veteran shot in the head by a police tear gas canister at point blank range during the nationwide crackdown on the Occupy Movement. The tragic event transformed him into an international symbol of police brutality, and it continues to be an important story signifying state repression. Yet, you … Read More