Abby and Robbie Martin discuss the news of the day including a District Court judge forcing torture victims to pay their torturers’ legal fees; Latin American leaders standing up to US imperialism in light of the NSA leaks; the establishment’s use of agitation propaganda to manufacture outrage at other nations while promoting an undercurrent of American exceptionalism. *** The above … Read More
Autoworkers Under the Gun: Interview with Activist Gregg Shotwell
The sit-down strike by General Motors workers in the winter of 1936-37 was one of the galvanizing events in U.S. labor history. Similarly, the efforts of the primarily African-American autoworkers of the Dodge Revolutionary Union Movement and the other RUM’s sparked the resurgence of rank and file militancy in the late 1960’s and 1970’s. In more recent years, the New … Read More
RFID Tracking Kids, Citizen Journalism, Occupy Movement
MEDIA ROOTS – On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby talks about a new program in multiple states aimed to track children with RFID chips in student IDs. She speaks to independent journalist Tim Pool about live streaming and the rise of new media. BTS then highlights Russell Simmons for defending the message of the 99%, and calls out … Read More
Massachusetts Resolves to End Corporate Personhood
MEDIA ROOTS – Massachusetts just became the seventh state in the nation to officially call for a repeal of Citizens United, the 2010 court case that recognized corporations as people and money as speech. That landmark ruling is the primary reason for the development of “super PACs” in the last two presidential elections. A super PAC is a political action … Read More
RT TV – Police Captain Punished for OWS Support
Abby Martin of RT TV interviews former Captain Ray Lews about his case RT TV – Retired Captain Ray Lewis served within the ranks of the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Police Department for nearly a quarter of a century. Now he is at odds against the force’s higher ups, however, over his role with Occupy Wall Street. Captain Lewis became a … Read More