FOOD CONSUMER– Children face the greatest risk from the potential dangers of GM foods: *Young, fast-developing bodies are influenced most *Children are more susceptible to allergies *Children are more susceptible to problems with milk *Children are more susceptible to nutritional problems *Children are in danger from antibiotic resistant diseases *Young, fast-developing bodies are influenced most Children’s bodies develop at a … Read More
Herbal Medicines Banned by EU Directive
DAILY MAIL– Patients have lost access to hundreds of herbal medicines today, after European regulations came into force. Sales of all herbal remedies, except for a small number of popular products for ‘mild’ illness such as echinacea for colds and St John’s Wort for depression have been banned. For the first time traditional products must be licensed or prescribed by … Read More
Pesticides During Pregnancy May Hurt IQ
APRIL 23, 2011 HUFFINGTON POST– Children whose mothers are exposed to high amounts of certain pesticides while pregnant appear to have lower IQs than their peers when they reach school age, according to three recent government-funded studies. The pesticides, known as organophosphates, are commonly sprayed on food crops and can be found in trace amounts on berries, green beans and other … Read More
EPA Plan to Raise Radiation Limits Sparks Debate
April 19th 2011 INSTITUTE FOR SOUTHERN STUDIES – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is considering dramatically increasing the allowable level of radioactive contamination in water, food and soil after radiological incidents such as spills or “dirty bomb” attacks. The move preceded the nuclear disaster now unfolding in Japan in the wake of last month’s devastating earthquake and tsunami. Documents released … Read More
NYS Officials Disregard Own Fluoride Advice
NATURAL NEWS– Twelve million New Yorkers, 8.4 million of which live in New York City (NYC), continue to involuntarily consume fluoridated water regularly, despite a report issued from the New York State Department of Health (DoH) back in 1990 which warned that the chemical additive is toxic. To this day, many officials not only deny this report, but also falsely … Read More