In a deep investigative piece, Abby and Robbie Martin explore the 2001 Anthrax Attacks––what led to them, why they happened, and how the Bush administration used them to manufacture consent for the illegal invasion of Iraq. Schrödinger’s Super Patriot : The 2001 Anthrax Mystery, Pt 1 of 2 ABBY MARTIN : 17 years ago, less than one month after the horrific attacks on … Read More
Loud & Clear: US Sanctions Suppress Journalist Pushing Back on ‘Corporate Tyranny’
From podcast Loud & Clear with Brian Becker: “As a result of US sanctions against Venezuela, ‘The Empire Files’ has been forced to completely shut down operations,” read an ominous statement from the hit TV documentary series hosted by journalist Abby Martin on Wednesday. Martin used “The Empire Files” to travel the world and report on major hotspots of political conflict, breaking through mainstream … Read More
The Joe Rogan Experience #1111 — Abby Martin
Abby Martin on the Joe Rogan Experience #1111 Abby goes on the The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast to talk about everything from the demonization of “the Left,” Trump at the helm of US Empire, Kanye West’s meltdown, the Israeli lobby smear campaign for her previous appearance and the Israeli military’s massacre of Great March of Return nonviolent protesters on the Gaza border. … Read More
Trump’s North Korea Obsession, Venezuela Propaganda, PNAC 3.0

Abby Martin and Robbie Martin talk about the latest news in America’s dystopia: the Democratic Party backing anti-choice and GOP candidates, the Trump administration’s genocidal threats and warmongering against North Korea, fierce media propaganda and threats of regime change against Venezuela and the 72nd anniversary of Hiroshima on Media Roots Radio. Donate to Media Roots Radio on Patreon. @AbbyMartin | @FluorescentGrey